RNR Sports Coaching Ltd - Services Terms & Conditions
1. RNR Sport Service
RNR Sport services include: Tri Camps (both overseas and in the UK), Coaching (remote and face-to-face), Personal Training, Sport Nutrition Advisory, Endurance Challenges and Active Pass Membership.
2. Endurance Coaching
Our endurance coaching covers the provision of an online training program in Training Peaks, Active Pass membership, weekly update calls with your coach and whatsapp support. The frequency and length of calls and whatsapp support are dependnt on the package signed up to, details can be found in your personal coaching contract.
It is the client's responsibility to book all catch up calls with their coach, using either the booking link provided in their welcome email, or another mutually agreed method. Calls cancelled with less than 24 hours notice will be counted as used, replacement calls will be charged at £75 per hour.
Prior to commencement of training, clients must complete a liability waiver, which can be found here, and sign their individual coaching contract, which includes details of agreed rates, services and the client’s allocated coach. We reserve the right in exceptional circumstances to substitute the client’s allocated coach should the need arise.
Active Pass
With the purchase of Endurance Coaching Services, clients are given complimentary Active Pass membership. Membership starts as your coaching commences and expires at the last day of coaching.
Minimum Commitment
Coaching packages are for a minimum of three (3) calendar months, commencing from the earlier of coaching commencing, or the coaching contract being signed.
Payment & Invoicing
Coaching packages will be invoiced [monthly / quarterly] in advance on the first day of each [month/quarter] and are payable on presentation. For packages that start mid-month, a pro-rata’d invoice will be issued.
Payment can be made via credit card, direct debit or bank transfer. Late payments (15 days or more overdue) will attract interest at 15% per annum and we reserve the right to withdraw coaching services in the case of late payment.
Pausing Training Packages
After the minimum commitment period, clients may pause the coaching services for a minimum of one (1) month and a maximum of six (6) months without any penalty or requirement to complete a minimum commitment on restarting coaching services. Clients are required to give a minimum of two (2) weeks notice to pause their services. The notice period may be waived at the discretion of RnR Sports Coaching Ltd.
During a pause in services no invoices will be issued and any credit from part used months will be held and credited against the first invoice issued upon training restarting.
Clients may cancel their coaching services at any point after the minimum commitment by giving no less than one (1) calendar months written notice in the first year of coaching and three (3) calendar months thereafter. If a client wishes to cancel services to coincide with the end of the minimum commitment period, notice must be received by the first day of the third month of coaching. After the minimum commitment period, the coaching agreement will move to a monthly rolling contract requiring one (1) months written notice to cancel.
No refunds are offered unless RnR Sports Coaching Ltd is unable to provide the services set out in the client’s coaching agreement.
3. Personal Training Sessions (remote and face-to-face)
Personal training sessions are sold in packs of 1, 6 or 12 x 50-minute sessions. We offer two delivery methods: face-to-face, or remotely via zoom. Our pricing reflects the inherent inefficiency from face-to-face sessions as a result of coach travel time.
Clients are required to buy packs through the RNR Sport website shop. Prior to commencement of training, clients are required to complete a liability waiver, which can be found here.
Active Pass
With purchases of six or more session packs, clients are given complimentary Active Pass membership. Membership starts from the date packs are purchased and expires at the time limit for the pack purchases (see time limits below).
Payment via debit or credit card is required at the time of purchase. If clients purchase a zoom pack they can choose to upgrade sessions to face-to-face for an additional charge of £15 per session, subject to location and availability.
It is the client’s responsibility to book sessions with their chosen coach. Once booked, 24 hours cancellation notice is required to change or cancel a session. If less than 24 hours notice is given the session credit will be used as a cancellation fee. In exceptional circumstances and solely at the coaches discretion this cancellation fee may be waived.
No refunds are offered for unused sessions unless RnR Sports Coaching Ltd is unable to provide the service. For the avoidance of doubt, RnR Sports Coaching Ltd reserves the right to substitute coaches with a coach with comparable or higher levels of experience than the clients preferred coach.
In exceptional circumstances, RnR Sports Coaching Ltd may provide a refund at its discretion.
Time limit
There is a time limit to taking your sessions, the following apply:
a) 1 x 50 minute session = 1 month from your purchase date.
b) 6 x 50 minute session = 3 months from your purchase date.
c) 12 x 50 minute sessions = 6 months from your purchase date.
4. Remote Personal Training Consultation (via Zoom) with Bespoke Instructional Videos
These personal training consultations are delivered remotely via Zoom, with the choice of either one or three bespoke 10-20 minute video workout videos.
Clients are required to buy their bespoke training program through the RNR Sport website shop. Prior to commencement of training, clients are required to complete a liability waiver, which can be found here.
Active Pass
With purchases of three bespoke workouts, clients are given complimentary Active Pass membership. Membership starts on the day of the first consultation and expires after three-months.
Payment via debit or credit card is required at the time of purchase.
Once consultations and follow up sessions are agreed, 24 hours cancellation notice is required to change or cancel a session. If less than 24 hours notice is given the session credit will be used as a cancellation fee. In exceptional circumstances and solely at the coaches discretion this cancellation fee may be waived.
No refunds are offered for unused sessions unless RnR Sports Coaching Ltd is unable to provide the service.
Time limit
The initial consultation has to be taken within 60 days from your purchase date.
5. Sports Nutrition Advisory
Our Sports Nutrition Advisory will be delivered via Zoom. In the case of one-off consultations the session lasts 60-minutes and you will receive a follow up email with notes and any relevant plans as agreed. In the case of ongoing monthly Sports Nutrition Advisory, there will be an initial 45-minute consultation, and then a weekly 45-minute catch-up meeting will be held with supplemental WhatsApp support between meetings (reasonable use policy applies at coaches discretion).
Sports Nutrition Advisory sessions are limited in scope to providing information about food, healthy eating and behavioural support. They are not intended to diagnose, or treat any medical condition, or be interpreted as medical advice.
Please recognise that it is your responsibility to work directly with your health care provider before, during, and after seeking nutrition and / or fitness consultation.
Any information provided is not to be followed without prior approval of your doctor. If you choose to use this information without such approval, you agree to accept full responsibility for your decision.
Active Pass
With purchases of monthly nutrition advisory, clients are given complimentary Active Pass membership for the coinciding months. Membership starts on the day of the first consultation and expires on the last day of the final month.
For one off Sports Nutrition Advisory Session, payment by debit or credit card is required at the time of purchase.
For monthly Sports Nutrition Advisory, packages will be invoiced [monthly] in advance on the first day of each [month] and are payable on presentation. For packages that start mid-month, a pro-rata’d invoice will be issued. Payment can be made via credit card, direct debit or bank transfer. Late payments (15 days or more overdue) will attract interest at 15% per annum and we reserve the right to withdraw coaching services in the case of late payment.
Clients may cancel their Sports Nutrition Advisory service at any point by giving no less than one (1) calendar months written notice.
No refunds are offered for unused sessions unless RnR Sports Coaching Ltd is unable to provide the service.
6. Triathlon Training Camps
Training camps are booked via the shop on RNRSport.com, by paying a non-refundable deposit equivalent to the camp coaching fee. All camps have a required minimum number of participants. All deposits are non-refundable, unless the minimum number is not reached for the camp 90 days prior, or the camp is cancelled for reasons within the control of RNR Sport.
It is advised that clients who have paid the deposit await email confirmation that the minimum number of participants has been reached, before finalising travel arrangements. Clients are responsible for making their own travel arrangements to and from the camp.
Prior to attending a training camp, clients are required to complete a liability waiver which can be found here.
Services and Providers
RRnR Sports Coaching Ltd training camp fees relate solely to the provision of coaching provided by the RNR Coaches on site. Accommodation is provided by external third parties. Clients acknowledge that they are entering into a separate contract with the accommodation provider. Copies of the accommodation terms and conditions are provided on the individual camp website page.
A deposit is payable on booking. The balance of the trip cost will be invoiced 60 days prior to the camp commencement date and must be paid no later than 45 days prior to the camp commencement date.
For bookings made less than 45 days prior to the camp commencement date full payment will be due at time of booking.
Cancellation by You
Camp fees are non-refundable unless cancelled within 14 days of booking and as long as the date is not less than 45 days from the camp commencing. Contact admin@rnrsport.com with regards to cancellations.
Accommodation fees may be refundable subject to the accommodation provider’s terms and conditions. RnR Sports Coaching Ltd cannot be held liable for any cancellation fees, or loss of funds related to accommodation or travel. We will however use our best endeavours to support clients obtaining refunds where appropriate.
Cancellation by RnR Sports Coaching Ltd
In the event of a camp being cancelled by RNR Sport, for matters within our control, or due to sign up numbers being below the minimum number, full refunds will be offered.
In the event of cancellation of a camp by RNR Sport for matters outside of our control, a credit note equivalent to the value of the camp fee will be issued, for use within 365 days of the original camp date. RNR Sport incurs cost in relation to coach travel, time and accommodation that is not refundable.
Accommodation fees may be refundable subject to the accommodation provider’s terms and conditions. RnR Sports Coaching Ltd cannot be held liable for any cancellation fees or loss of funds related to accommodation. We will however use our best endeavours to support clients obtaining refunds where appropriate.
Active Pass
Camp participants receive a complimentary three-month Active Pass membership after a week-long training camp; and a complimentary one-month Active Pass membership after a long-weekend training camp. Membership commences on the day after the camp completes and expires three months / one month from that date.
7. Challenges (RNR Packages)
The below is with regards to RNR organised Challenge Packages. Self or individually organised challenges are subject to Endurance Coaching T&C’s.
Challenges are once in a lifetime events that require a significant amount of time and planning to run successfully.
Clients will be assessed for their suitability by a member of the RnR Sports Coaching Ltd Challenge team, before being accepted on to a challenge. Once accepted, clients will be sent details of their challenge package including details of required training, package inclusions and exclusions, pricing and payment schedule.
Your challenge place is only confirmed once the minimum number of participants has been reached, the challenge deposit has been paid, the challenge contract signed and liability waiver completed. At this point the deposit is non-refundable.
A deposit is payable on acceptance to the challenge. A payment schedule will be included in your individual contract setting out when invoices will be issued and need to be paid by. All invoices must be settled prior to the challenge date. Unpaid invoices may result in you not being able to participate in the challenge.
Services and Providers
Due to the nature of challenges RnR Sports Coaching Ltd will contract the services of appropriate professionals to aid in the provision of services. By agreeing to these terms and conditions you agree to RnR Sports Coaching Ltd entering into contracts on your behalf for the provision of services including but not limited to accommodation, pilotage fees, professional body fees & membership, insurance and specialist coaching. Each of these providers have their own terms and conditions which will be made available as required, however we note this is likely to be after we have already contracted on your behalf. It should be noted that fees paid on your behalf may not be refundable.
Active Pass
Challenge participants receive a complimentary Active Pass membership for the duration of their challenge program. Membership commences on the day after the challenge contract is signed and expires on the day of the challenge.
Cancellation by You
Due to the nature of challenges and the time and effort required to host them, fees are not refundable if you withdraw more than 14 days after signing your contract. Contact admin@rnrsport.com for cancellations.
Other provider fees may be refundable subject to the provider’s terms and conditions. RnR Sports Coaching Ltd can not be held liable for any cancellation fees, or loss of funds related to other providers. We will however use our best endeavours to support clients obtaining refunds where appropriate.
Cancellation by RnR Sports Coaching Ltd
In the event of a challenge being cancelled by RNR Sport for matters within our control, or due to sign up numbers being below the minimum number, full refunds will be offered.
In the event of cancellation of a challenge by RNR Sport for matters outside of our control a credit note equivalent to the value of the Challenge fee will be issued, for use within 365 days of the original challenge date.
Other provider fees may be refundable subject to the providers terms and conditions. RnR Sports Coaching Ltd cannot be held liable for any cancellation fees or loss of funds related to other providers. We will however use our best endeavours to support clients obtaining refunds where appropriate.
8. Active Pass Subscriptions
Active Pass will run for a minimum of 48 weeks throughout the year.
Active Pass subscriptions are purchased via the shop at RNRSport.com. Once your order is received you will receive access details for the online repository of previous sessions and login details for live sessions. Note login details for live sessions change on a monthly basis.
By signing up for Active Pass you are entering into a rolling subscription (monthly / quarterly / annually), for which payment will be collected on the first of each relevant month.
You can cancel at any time with cancellations taking effect at the end of the month the cancellation is received in, so long as a cancellation notice is received five working days before the month ends. Contact admin@rnrsport.com for cancellations.
9. Government Advice – COVID-19
Please see below for the protocols we have implemented to ensure everyone’s safety during this complicated time. We cannot do this without the support of our customers. We appreciate that these protocols may be annoying or inconvenient, rest assured, we are all feeling it, but they are necessary for now in order for everyone to train in a safe and happy environment. We appreciate your understanding and support in this time. If you have any suggestions, queries or concerns, please do get in contact, we are always keen to improve any way we can and are ready to help.
We ask clients and staff to adhere to the following:
Please do not arrive too early or late for your sessions. 5 minutes before your lesson is ideal. Please try not to be late!
Please respect Government advised social distancing and legislation with regards to PPE during sessions.
Our trainers will wear masks whilst working in close proximity.
Please arrive ‘ready’ for your session. This means ready to train. We are also asking athletes, where possible, to leave promptly.
Please follow guidance given by your coaches and/or the training venue.
You must not attend sessions if you are displaying signs of COVID-19 or you suspect you have been in close contact (being within 2 meters for more than 15 minutes) with an infected individual.
All staff and customers are asked to use the hand sanitiser provided before entering training venues. Once your session is finished, please leave in a timely manner.
COVID-19, often referred to as coronavirus, is an infectious disease that can result in serious and potentially fatal illness. There is a risk of the transmission of COVID-19 in any environment where people come together. This risk increases in enclosed spaces and with increased numbers of people. The World Health Organisation has advised that the elderly and those with underlying medical conditions are more vulnerable.
Upon entering any RnR Sports Coaching Ltd training environment, you assume all risk associated with COVID-19 (unless in any way caused by the negligence of RnR Sports Coaching Ltd). You also agree to:
abide by all government guidance aimed at preventing the transmission of the virus (details of which can be accessed HERE); and
follow all directions provided by staff members and set out in the signage within the venue.
You must not enter the venue if you believe that you may have been infected with COVID-19.